Admin commands

Admin Commands
/setgold id amount 
/addgold id amount 
/removegold id amount 
/setxp id amount
/addxp id amount 
/removexp id amount 
/setcash id amount
/addcash id amount 
/removecash id amount 
/setjob id jobname jobgrade 
/setgang id gangname gangrank
/kick id reason 
/ban id reason 
/revive id 
/kill id 
/freeze id true/false
/playerefresh id -- for set datas for player from SQL DB (example you change data on website and use this command for refresh the player in real time)
/jail id         -- for send the player to sisika
/tp 1 to 14 -- (14 is Guarma Spawn)
/restored -- Restore Eat and Drink to 100%
/gotome id 
/inspect id 
/checkinventory id 
/resetinventory id 
/itemadd id item quantity
/itemremove id item quantity
/chattag ID

Last updated